Many thanks to all the parents and children who came out to the school on Oct. 4 to help work on maintaining our naturalized areas. Weeds were pulled, trees and bushes were trimmed and lots and lots of mulch was spread. A special thank you to those of you who braved the weather and stuck through to the very end, despite the rain, to get everything done! These naturalized areas are loved and well used by the children so it is so important that we maintain them well.

An enormous thank you goes to Robin Smit, a parent at our school who owns the company Landscape Revolution, for ALL his effort and expertise. He made arrangements in early September to do some major weeding and in October was able to get our mulch free from Adams Landscape and personally deliver it to the school. Also, thank you to Nancy Allan, another parent from our community, who arranged to have the mulch from a recently removed tree delivered to our school in time to be used on our work day.

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