The report has arrived, the appointment has been set. Although teachers try to make the conference a relaxed and comfortable experience, it can still be stressful for both parents and teachers.

The following are a few tips that may help you get to know your child’s teacher, and to better understand how your child is doing in school:

  1. Read the report card with your child.
  2. Come to the conference prepared by writing down any questions you have.
  3. Write down any concerns not discussed on the report card which you would like to discuss.
  4. If you have any questions about specific programs ask the teacher to clarify what is happening.
  5. Avoid drawing comparisons with others. Every child is unique.
  6. Ask what you can do to help with your child’s education at home.
  7. Offer some positive information to the teacher, such as subjects your child seems to enjoy.
  8. Remember, your child benefits when the home and school work together.