Hello Grade 8 Families,

We are excited to inform you that we will be celebrating our Grade 8s on Tuesday, June 22nd as they prepare to transition to high school in September. As previously communicated by the board, this celebration will be virtual and will include both our in-person and distance learning students. We will share the details and a link with families as we get closer to June 22nd. 

This will be an opportunity to celebrate the dedication and commitment of our grade 8s within their school community. We will be recognizing student’s accomplishment and reinforcing the value of community and learning. Schools across the WRDSB are planning celebrations with a consistent and equitable approach.

As we continue to work towards creating equity of opportunity for our students, we also acknowledge the extent the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the learning environments in our schools. As we adhere to strict Public Health guidelines and provide these celebrations in a safe and equitable manner, virtual celebrations across the WRDSB will refrain from drive-bys, door drop-offs, awards and gifts.

Again, more details specific to our celebration will be posted on our school’s website and on School Day closer to the date.

We hope your family and child(ren) can join us on June 22nd for this celebration!