April 27th, 2015
Hailey Heinrich, a student from BPS, wanted to make a difference. She shared with her parents that she was going to get her locks cut off to support the Canadian Cancer Society and donate them to their wig making campaign called the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.
Did you know that it takes a minimum of 8 inches of uncoloured/untreated hair to be able to donate? Did you know that it takes 8 to 15 pony tails to make one single wig?
Hailey is challenging others to join her in her quest. You can help her in one of two ways — donate money or hair. She is working through the Waterloo Region Police Services to have her hair cut on May 29th at 9:30 a.m. If you would like to donate — forms available in the school office. If you would like more information please contact shelley.heinrich@wrps.on.ca or frank.heinrich@wrps.on.ca or at fsheinrich@rogers.com.