Extended Day Program

We are pleased to announce that the extended day program will be available at BPS for students in JK through to Grade 6. To register please go to :  http://www.wrdsb.ca/beforeafter/ The full day program daily fee is $24.50 while mornings are $10 and afternoons are $14.50.  

Farewell BBQ for our Lackner Woods’ families

We had about 400 students and parents join us for our BBQ evening. It was wonderful to hear our Kodaly Choir. The BBQ school council put on was awesome. Thank you all for joining us!   On Tuesday, May 27th our School Council hosted a BBQ so that we could have a proper BPS farewell […]

BPS on the Grand – FAMILY NIGHT!

It is time to sign up for BPS on the Grand on Wednesday, June 4, our amazing canoe trip down the Grand River culminating in a wonderful BBQ. This event is approved by Breslau Public School Council and hosted by Canoeing the Grand. This price is only available for BPS families and a huge donation […]

Class and Spring Photos

On Thursday, May 1st we will be having our Class Photos as well as our spring individual and sibling photos. Red Kindergarten students will have their photos on Friday, May 2nd.

Our Addition Is Taking Shape!

This photo is taken from the school roof, looking south-west over our future courtyard and at our new kindergarten classrooms. That is our gym shown in the left side of the photo. As you can see, they’ll have lovely big and low windows for our little ones to be able to see out into the […]

2014 Dance-a-thon Success

What a fantastic two days of dancing. It started on Wednesday the 26th with our Red Day Kindergarten and all of our students participated on Thursday. The final tally is still being compiled, but over $9000 was raised for our playground development in our school courtyard. Thank you! Breslau students and their families are the […]

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