Inclement Weather and Bus Cancellations

Local radio stations will broadcast inclement weather announcements. The school will send out a voice message. Our city, subdivision, and village routes will still operate

B.P.S.’s Bell Time Stay the Same

As was announced in our school newsletter, our Bell Times will not change for the upcoming school year. Our start time will continue to be 8:30 a.m. and our final bell will ring at 2:50 p.m.

GRCI Parent Evening

Grand River C.I. Wednesday, January 15, 2014        7:00 PM This evening session’s focus is on the student transition process from grade 8 to 9 (e.g., course selection process, in-school student supports, extra-curricular activities). Mark this on your calendar now.

September 2014 Boundary Changes

This year we will discuss our boundary change frequently because this is such an important topic. All families who live west of the Grand River will be attending either Mackenzie King or Stanley Park Public Schools in September 2014.

$6127 raised for Terry Fox Foundation

635 students were out running for Terry Fox on September 26. They did a fantastic job and the community rallied around our students as Breslau Public School continues to support the Terry Fox Foundation. We are so proud of our students. The staff and students had a challenge in which Ms McHolm and Mr. Ewald […]

Student Accident Insurance – Voluntary

All parents are encouraged to consider obtaining Student Accident Insurance. It is available through an online subscritpion at:Staebler

Do You Have A Meeting Spot?

You get caught in traffic, held up at work, or maybe you just forgot that it was your turn to pick up the kids from school. It really does not matter why you are not here, the important question is “Do your children know your safe meeting spot at school?”.

Vaccination Dates – Grade 7&8

We have received October 16, November 19 (Note: this November date was changed from the 20th) and April 30 as the tentative dates for vaccinations at B.P.S. Click here for the schedule that the Region of Waterloo, Public Health has provided. Click here for general information that the Region of Waterloo, Public Health has provided.

BPS on the Grand a Fantastic Family Event!

Thanks to Canoeing the Grand for hosting another fantastic family canoe trip. BPS on the Grand was a great success. The weather was absolutely picture perfect. The BBQ was fantastic. Ned and Shelly-Jo are fantastic hosts. We’re already planning the 3rd annual BPS on the Grand for June 2014, likely the first Tuesday. Mark your […]

Plans for the Future!

Have you seen our construction plans? For more details click here.

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