Construction Update – August

This photo is almost a week old, so you can imagine how much more has been completed. TRP is working seven days a week to ensure our school is ready for September 2, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. We will see you then. Please join us on the playground by the soccer field Tuesday morning. We […]

July 30 Construction Update

Welcome to Breslau Public School. The office will be open for registration starting Monday, August 25th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Enter the school at the South end of the building (other parts of the school will still be occupied by our construction crews).Visit our construction page for more details. TRP is on target […]

The Last Day of School!

The last day of school is always a busy and exciting day. Words are not enough so take a look at our pictures. We had a great assembly where we recognized

Construction Update

If you pop in to BPS this week you will notice a lot more going on than typically happens during the last week of June. This is always a busy time, but even moreso right now. In addition to wrapping up our year, sending out Report Cards, sending out next year’s class placement (that happens […]

FDK Evening for Parents at 6:30!

This Wednesday  at 6:30 p.m. join us in the gym at BPS for an evening to discuss Kindergarten. This is primarily for families new to BPS, however, everyone with a child starting either Junior or Senior Kindergarten this fall is welcome to attend.

Birds Of Breslau

This local site gives you a ‘bird’s eye’ view of a local Osprey nest. We encourage you to visit this site – the babies have hatched.

BPS on the Grand – a wonderful evening!

We had a wonderful evening as our host, Canoeing the Grand, had everything organized for us. Please click the link to see a brief photo pictorial of our evening. Ned and Shelly Jo, Thank you.

Extended Day Program

We are pleased to announce that the extended day program will be available at BPS for students in JK through to Grade 6. To register please go to : The full day program daily fee is $24.50 while mornings are $10 and afternoons are $14.50.  

Farewell BBQ for our Lackner Woods’ families

We had about 400 students and parents join us for our BBQ evening. It was wonderful to hear our Kodaly Choir. The BBQ school council put on was awesome. Thank you all for joining us!   On Tuesday, May 27th our School Council hosted a BBQ so that we could have a proper BPS farewell […]

BPS on the Grand – FAMILY NIGHT!

It is time to sign up for BPS on the Grand on Wednesday, June 4, our amazing canoe trip down the Grand River culminating in a wonderful BBQ. This event is approved by Breslau Public School Council and hosted by Canoeing the Grand. This price is only available for BPS families and a huge donation […]

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